Nagios 3.2.2 rilasciato

Nagios controlla l’intera infrastruttura IT per garantire sistemi, applicazioni, servizi e processi aziendali funzionino correttamente.In caso di guasto, Nagios può allertare il personale tecnico del problema, consentendo loro di avviare agire prima che le interruzioni possono influenzare i processi di business.

Ecco i miglioramenti del software :
Patch to new_mini_epn to allow any command line length without breaking on extra trailing or leading whitespace
Patch to mini_epn to allow any command line length
Patch to speed up loading of state retention data
Custom notifications are now suppressed during scheduled downtime
Added code to warn user about exit code of 126 meaning plugin is not executable
Scheduled downtime can now start on SOFT error states
Main window frame URL can now be specify with a “corewindow=” parameter
Improved config CGI shows commands, command args in an easier to use manner
Added ability for NEB modules to override execution of event handlers (Sven Nierlein)
Custom macros are no longer cleaned/stripped as they are user-defined and should be trusted.

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